Monday, July 28, 2014

Final #4 - High Resolution Avatar

For this final exercise, I needed to install MakeHuman in order to create a personalized avatar.

Process 1:

This is where the application starts you off.

Process 2:

This is where I began to customize the facial shape. I also changed the tone of the skin to look similar to mine.
Process 3:

At this point I have just gotten to the clothing potion of the application.

Process 4:

Here I have added shorts, shoes, a tshirt and a jacket to my avatar.

Process 5:

At this point I added hair and modified the facial features of my avatar.

Process 6:

Here is where I used rendering to customize the body shape.

Process 7:

At this point I have finished customizing and changing the hair color to complete my personalized avatar.

Final Product:

This is my creation of a high resolution avatar in the MakeHuman application.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the Immersive BC portal at

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